Being a member


A Cooptel customer becomes a member by purchasing a (refundable) share of $ 10. This share is registered in the member’s name and is not transferable to another person. The share is added to the customer’s first invoice. By paying this once, the customer automatically becomes a member.


The dividends come from surpluses made by Cooptel and are returned to the members according to the cooperative principle of sharing the results.

The dividend, when it is paid to its members, is put in the form of credit on the Cooptel account at the end of the fiscal year. It is the members at the annual general meeting who determine the amount of the return each year.

When there is a discount, it is proportional to the volume of business you do at CoopTel. So, the more you use Cooptel products and services, the more your return increases!

Voting rights

All members are entitled to vote at the annual general meeting of our members.

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